Saturday, October 02, 2010

Fishing Success

No posts for a while. I made a trip back home to visit my Grandmom and a host of other members of my family. It was great to be back home for a bit.
This evening my wife and I went to Meadows Creek Pond in Roy. WOW, did I have a good time. I like to fish because it gets me out of the house and into some fresh air. I usually don't care if I catch a fish or not but this evening was incredible! The most fish I have ever caught at Meadows is two. I have had tons of strikes but haven't been able to land very many. I think I know why.
In the past several weeks I read an article about the importance of fishing with a straight leader and I didn't give it much thought. Several days ago I kept running into an advertisement on classifieds about hand furled leaders and why they are superior. One of the things the ad brought up was that the furled leader doesn't need to be straightened. I did some further research and found a web page on how to make your own furled leaders (
To make a long story short I made one of these leaders and even went as far as to make sure my tippet was straightened before I started fishing. As I wrote earlier my previous record at Meadows was two rainbow trout, this evening I caught eight trout, more than four times my record. It should have been 11 but I lost three as I was pulling them in. I also missed about a dozen or so more strikes because of not paying attention or just couldn't set the hook.
I think the straight leader and straight tippet are why I caught so many fish. When a tippet or leader is rolled up on the spool of the reel they stayed curled when you cast the line on the water. The curled line acts like a spring and absorbs the shock when you try to set the hook. With a straightened line I was able to set the hook more effectively.
I suggest you check out that web site on the handmade furled leader, it worked great.
I am off most of next week and my wife mentioned that I should do some fishing. :)

On a side note when you get successful boy do people start crowding you out where you are fishing. I probably had about 6 kids fishing right on top of me, at one point I even locked hooks with a kid who was fishing less than five feet away from me.

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